Dear Miss Zhao,
Your Invoice No.1223 for US $80,000 worth of goods supplied on 20th July is due for payment at the end of this month. Most unfortunately, a fire broke out in our warehouse last week and destroyed a certain part of valuable consignment. Our claim is now with the insurance company, but it is unlikely to be met for another three or four weeks and until then we are faced with a difficult financial situation. I am therefore writing for permission to defer payment of your invoice until the end of September.
As you know, my accounts with you have always been settled promptly and it is with the utmost regret that I am now forced to make this request. I hope, however, that you will find it possible to grant it. In doing so you would render me a service I should never forget.
Yours faithfully,
海伦 敬上
1. Please understand why we have not found it possible to settle our account in full.
2. I should appreciate an extension of one month for the payment of my bill of $6,500 due April 5.
3. We have drawn on you at 50 days for US $5,000 against your trial order.
4. This amount has been passed to your credit in settle-ment of your account.
5. We regret being unable to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.