第1章 你是我的守护天使
A Child's Angel
Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the little child asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
God answered him, "Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
"But tell me what I am going to do," asked the child, "here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, which is enough for me to be happy."
"Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy." God reassured him.
"And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?"
"Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."
"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you, Lord?"
"Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
"I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"
"Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
"You will call your angel Mother."
(Author Unknown)
The Mother
The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word "Mother", and the most beautiful call is the call of "My mother". It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything—she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly.
Everything in nature bespeaks[1] the mother. The sun is the mother of earth and gives it its nourishment of heat; it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep to the song of the sea and the hymn[2] of birds and brooks[3]. And this earth is the mother of trees and flowers. It produces them, nurses them, and weans[4] them. The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds. And the mother, the prototype[5] of all existence, is the eternal spirit, full of beauty and love.
(By Kahlil Gibran[6])
A Five-finger Discount[7]
The Belfast, Maine of my youth was not the coastal tourist village that it is today. At the time, Belfast was still a blue-collar town. McDonald's hadn't yet moved into town. Before the supermarket existed, Cottle's, a food market where my dad worked, was the only place where my mother could do her once-a-week shopping. Because we lived a few miles from Belfast, we'd usually combine the grocery trip with a visit to see my grandmother. Of course, Grammy always had cookies ready for the grandkids.
On one particular shopping day at Cottle's, I stood behind my mother as she was unloading the grocery cart and checking her items out[8] at the register[9]. The candy displays on either side of me were full of Life Savers, Clark Bars, Tootsie Rolls, Sugar Babies[10]—you name it[11]!
"Can I get some candy?" I asked.
My mother rarely veered[12] from her list so I wasn't surprised with her response. "No."
This much I knew for certain. "No" always meant "No". There was no sense in me asking a second time. But I really, really wanted that candy!
I reached for a Sugar Baby package. My mother didn't notice. So I figured she probably wouldn't notice if I ever so coyly[13] put them into my pocket. We continued checking out and walked with the bag boy to the car where he loaded the bags into the car's trunk. No one noticed my action—not my mother, not the cashier, not the bag boy—no one! I did it! Wow! My very first shoplifting[14] experience! A five-finger discount! How exciting! How easy! How rewarding! Got my candy and didn't need one penny to get it!
I sat in the back seat as my mother drove across the bridge to where my grandmother lived. Slowly, so as not to make any unnecessary noise, I opened my prize and carefully slipped[15] a Sugar Baby into my mouth. No one piece of candy ever tasted so good! Mom might have said, "No," but I'd said, "Yes," and look who'd won!
When we pulled into my grandmother's driveway, I knew I was in the clear[16]. Miles and minutes separated me from Cottle's. As I prepared to open my car door, I confidently slipped a few more Sugar Babies into my mouth. They would tide me over[17] until I got to Grammy's cookie jar inside.
Big mistake. "Keith, what have you got in your mouth?" I looked up at the rearview mirror[18] and could see the reflection of my mother's eyes staring intently[19] back at me. "I asked you a question! What have you got in your mouth?"
Though I'd recently become skilled in the art of shoplifting, I hadn't quite mastered the art of giving false testimony[20]. "Uhhh … just some Sugar Babies."
"Sugar Babies? Where did you get the money to buy them?" Why was she asking such a foolish question? She knew I hadn't purchased them. It was no big deal. Nobody even saw me take them. It was one little package of Sugar Babies. Let's just go into Grammy's! "I … uh … didn't really buy them."
"That's what I thought!" And then, rather than just going into Grammy's house and giving me a good scolding, she began backing out of my grandmother's driveway.
As she drove away from my grandmother's house and then back across the bridge, I knew exactly where we were headed. To Cottle's! This was so stupid! We're talking twenty-five cents here! A return trip all the way[21] back there was a ridiculous waste of gas and time, if you asked me. Why was she turning this into such an emotional drama? What was she trying to prove?
I didn't have long to find out.
My mother pulled into Cottle's parking lot, cast one more glare my way, and marched me into the store. She proceeded to hunt down[22] Mr. Proulx, the store manager! Why would she want to bother an important man like Mr. Proulx about me needing to pay for some candy that any cashier could more easily just take care of?
Once she located him and got his full attention, she said, in a voice that could be heard from three aisles away, "Tell Mr. Proulx what you did!"
I knew Mr. Proulx. I liked Mr. Proulx. But on this day Mr. Proulx was taking all of his cues[23] from my mother. There was no room for doubt. I was on trial and Mr. Proulx was judge and jury! Through tears, I admitted what I had done and apologized. My mother put a quarter in my hand to give to him. Mr. Proulx listened and accepted my apology along with the twenty-five cents. He then issued a stern[24] warning, explaining what the consequences would be if there was ever a repeat performance. Snuffling[25], embarrassed, ashamed, I totally understood the significance of my actions and what they might lead to if not nipped in the bud[26]: Sugar Babies today, grand theft auto tomorrow.
To this day, often while in a checkout lane near a candy rack, I think back to the lesson I learned from my mother. Thanks, Mom, for keeping me from a life of crime.
(By Keith Smith)
有一天去科特尔商场购物时,妈妈在收银台前从购物车里拿出所买的货品逐项结账,我站在她身后。在我两旁的货架上摆满了各式各样的糖果——Life Saver薄荷糖、Clark Bar牛轧糖、Tootsie Roll咀嚼糖、Sugar Baby牛奶焦饴糖——各种品牌,应有尽有!
我把手伸向一包Sugar Baby糖,妈妈并未注意到。因此我想,如果我假装害羞然后把它们塞进衣服口袋里,妈妈很可能不会发现。我们继续结账,然后随着打包服务员一起走到车前,服务员把购物袋放进后备厢。谁也没有发现我的偷窃行为——无论是我妈妈、收银员还是打包服务员——没有任何人发现!我成功了!哇!我平生第一次体验商店行窃!一次顺手牵羊!多么令人激动!多么轻而易举!多么有收获!我分文未花就得到了这些糖!
妈妈开车通过一座桥,向外婆家驶去,我坐在车后座上。为了避免发出不必要的声音,我慢慢地打开自己的战利品,然后小心翼翼地把一块Sugar Baby糖偷偷塞进了嘴里。再没有比这更好吃的糖啦!妈妈或许说过“不行”,但是我却说“行”,看看最终是谁赢了!
当我们驶入外婆家的车道时,我以为我安全了——距离上和时间上我都远离了科特尔商场。我一边准备打开车门,一边安心地又塞了几块Sugar Baby糖到嘴里。它们甜美的味道会一直伴随我进入外婆家直到我拿起饼干罐。
虽然我刚刚熟练掌握了入店行窃术,但我却尚不精于提供假证词。“呃……就是一些Sugar Baby糖。”
“Sugar Baby糖?你哪来的钱买糖?”妈妈怎么会问我这样一个愚蠢的问题?她知道我根本就没买过。没什么大不了的,根本就没人看见我拿糖了。不就是一小袋Sugar Baby糖嘛。赶紧进外婆家吧!“我……呃……其实我并没买。”
Off the Shelf
When I was ten years old, I lived with my family in a small ranch house[27] in rural South Jersey. I often accompanied my mother to the A&P[28]to buy groceries. We did not have a car, so we walked, and I would help her carry the bags.
My mother had to shop very carefully, as my father was on strike. She was a waitress, and her salary and tips barely sustained us. One day, while she was weighing prices, a promotional[29]display for the World Book Encyclopedia caught my eye. The volumes were cream-colored, with forest-green spines[30] stamped in gold. Volume I was ninety-nine cents with a ten-dollar purchase.
All I could think of, as we combed the aisles for creamed corn, dry milk, cans of Spam, and shredded[31] wheat, was the book, which I longed for with all my being. I stood at the register with my mother, holding my breath as the cashier rang up[32] the items. It came to over eleven dollars. My mother produced a five, some singles[33], and a handful of change. As she was counting out the money, I somehow found the courage to ask for the encyclopedia. "Could we get one?" I said, showing her the display. "It's only ninety-nine cents."
I did not understand my mother's increasing anxiety; she did not have enough change and had to sacrifice a large can of peas to pay the amount. "Not now, Patricia," she said sternly. "Today is not a good day." I packed the groceries and followed her home, crestfallen[34].
The next Saturday, my mother gave me a dollar and sent me to the A&P alone. Two quarts of milk and a loaf of bread—that's what a dollar bought in 1957. I went straight to the World Book display. There was only one first volume left, which I placed in my cart. I didn't need a cart, but took one so I could read as I went up and down the aisles. A lot of time went by, but I had little concept of time, a fact that often got me in trouble. I knew I had to leave, but I couldn't bear to part with the book. Impulsively I put it inside my shirt and zipped up[35] my plaid[36] windbreaker[37]. I was a tall, skinny kid, and I'm certain the shape of the book was obvious.
I strolled[38] the aisles for several more minutes, then went through the checkout, paid my dollar, swiftly bagged the three items, and headed home with my heart pounding.
Suddenly I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder and turned to find the biggest man I had ever seen. He was the store detective, and he asked me to hand it over. I just stood in silence. "We know you stole something—you will have to be searched." Horrified, I slid the heavy book out from the bottom of my shirt.
He looked at it quizzically[39]. "This is what you stole, an encyclopedia?"
"Yes," I whispered, trembling.
"Why didn't you ask your parents?"
"I did," I said, "but they didn't have the money."
"Do you know it's wrong?"
"Do you go to church?"
"Yes, twice a week."
"Well, you're going to have to tell your parents what you did."
"No, please."
"Then I will do it. What's the address?" I was silent.
"Well, I'll have to walk you home."
"No, please, I will tell them."
"Do you swear?"
"Yes, yes, sir."
My mother was worried when I arrived home. "Where were you? I needed the bread for your father's sandwiches. I told you to come right home."
And suddenly everything went green, like right before a tornado. My ears were ringing, I felt dizzy, and I threw up[40].
My mother tended to me immediately, as she always did. She had me lie on the couch and got a cold towel for my head and sat by me with her anxious expression.
"What is it, Patricia?" she asked. "Did something bad happen?"
"Yes," I whispered. "I stole something." I told her about my lust for the book, my wrongdoing, and the big detective. My mother was a good mother, but she could be explosive[41], and I tensed, waiting for the barrage[42] of verbal punishment, the sentencing that always seemed to outweigh the crime. But she said nothing. She told me that she would call the store and tell the detective I had confessed, and that I should sleep.
When I awoke, sometime later, the house was silent. My mother had taken my siblings to the field to play. I sat up and noticed a brown-paper bag with my name on it. I opened it and inside was the World Book Encyclopedia, Volume I.
(By Patti Smith)
The Shaved Eyebrows
It was evening and time for my little sister and me to take our showers and get ready for bed. As I passed the mirror in the bathroom, there it was—a wild hair right in the middle of my forehead, threatening to be the beginning of the third eyebrow. I went into the shower trying to think of a solution, and then I spotted a razor. I took it and started trying to shave off the savage hair.
Usually I would trust my mom's advice about what to do in this sort of situation, but this was just too complicated for her—or so I thought. Well, while I was shaving that hair off, the razor slipped, and I ended up shaving off half my eyebrow! Then I did what any girl would do in this situation—I tried to even them out[43]. When I was finished, I looked in the mirror. It was a disaster! I tried to figure out if there was any way to fix this mess. Thankfully, I found a way to hide my mistake. I put my bangs[44] over my eyebrows. It worked perfectly!
Just then my parents called me to come and say good night. Nobody noticed my eyebrows, but they did notice my little sister's eyebrows! It turned out that while I was fighting the stray hair, she had found another razor in the drawer and began copying me. Now her eyebrows were completely missing! My parents were very confused until they finally noticed that half my eyebrows were gone as well[45]. After a lot of questioning, I broke down[46] and confessed to what had happened.
I thought that my parents would be mad at me until my mom took me aside to tell me that when she was a preteen, she had done a similar thing. In her case, it was her underarms[47]. While away at camp on a swimming day, she was extremely embarrassed because she had some long hairs in her armpits[48]. My grandma, her mom, had told her she was too young to shave yet. But she went against her mom's wishes and borrowed her friend's razor and shaved her armpits. Then she wrote her mom a confession letter telling her that she had done a terrible thing and that she was very sorry. At the very end of this long two-page letter, she finally told her mom what she had done. As my grandma read through the letter, she was so worried about this terrible thing that her daughter had done that by the end of the letter she laughed, because she was just so relieved[49] to find out about what had actually happened. My grandmother totally understood how my mom had felt, just like my mom now understood me.
This ended up bringing my mom and me even closer together. I still wouldn't ever recommend trying to shave your eyebrows. I suggest that you find a different way to get closer to your mom!
As for my little sister, it took a long time for her eyebrows to grow back in. From then on, I've learned to be a better example to her because she still copies everything I do!
(By Ariel Subrahmanyam)
Oh, to Be Rich with Mom's Cake!
I lay on my bed, legs propped up[50] against the wall, desperately wishing my mother would call. But I remembered the last time I'd seen her, right before the train for Providence pulled out[51] of the station, "You know how expensive it is to call," she said, then squeezed me tight and said good-bye.
This was my first birthday away from home. I missed my mom, missed my sister, and most certainly missed the special pound cake[52] my mother always made for my birthday. Since getting to college that year, I would watch jealously as the other freshmen received care packages from their parents on their birthdays—and even on ordinary days. Big boxes containing summer slacks[53] and blouses, packages of M&M's and Snickers[54], things they needed and things they didn't. Instead of feeling thrilled about my upcoming eighteenth birthday, I felt empty. I wished my mom would send me something, too, but I knew that she couldn't afford presents or the postage. She had done her best with my sister and me—raising us by herself. The simple truth was there just was never enough money.
But that didn't stop her from filling us with dreams. "You can be anything you want to be," she would tell us. "Politicians, dancers, writers—you just have to work for it; you have to get an education."
For a long time, because of my mother's resourcefulness[55], I didn't realize that we were poor. She did so much with so little. She owned and took care of our house. She clothed and fed us. She found ways to get us scholarships so that we could take violin, piano and viola[56] lessons from some of the best teachers in Philadelphia. She never missed an opportunity to have a tête-à-tête[57] with our schoolteachers, and she attended all our plays and musical performances. My mother had high hopes for my sister and me. She saw the way out of poverty for us was education. We didn't play with the other children on the street, didn't jump double-dutch[58] or stay out late on the porch laughing and talking with our neighbors. We were inside doing our homework and reading books. She sat with us while we did our work and taught us how to learn what she didn't know by plowing through[59] the World Book Encyclopedia or visiting the library.
She did it all on 800 dollars a month and what a struggle it was for her.
"Please, Mom, can we go to the movies?" We'd beg.
"No, we can watch a movie at home," she'd say, turning to the movie channel.
"Can't we get nicer pants than these ugly green things?" We'd say as we went through the black plastic bag filled with hand-me-downs[60] from our cousins.
"These will do you fine[61] for now," Mom would say.
"Why can't I have money to buy French fries after school?" I would plead, my nostrils full with the remembered smell of sizzling[62] grease and freshly salted potatoes.
"No, you don't need that mess. Besides, I've made pea soup with carrots and potatoes."
She never bought anything that she could make herself.
I felt our lack most deeply after Christmas, when the other kids talked about the new games and expensive outfits[63] they had found tucked under their live Christmas trees. I didn't mention our silver tree that we unpacked and repacked every year, or that there were only a couple of items for me under the tree: some books, socks, maybe a pair of shoes that I needed. And because my dad wasn't around, Mom pressed me into service[64]—I would wrap my younger sister's gifts so that she could wake up excitedly, believing that Santa had left gifts for her under the tree.
Thanks to my mom's sacrifices and big dreams, I'd made it to the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Yet I was afraid that I wouldn't measure up to[65] the other students. They seemed to exude[66] confidence and the smell of money. I felt so lost, so far away, as if my mom had said, "Well, if you're old enough to go six hours away, you're old enough to take care of yourself."
As I was recalling these things, my roommate joined me on the bed. "Hey. After we study, let's buy ice cream and cake." I nodded, closed my eyes, and imagined the cake Mom would have made. She would take out her mixer and the chrome[67] bowl, then add the butter that she'd let sit out[68] until it was soft. She would pour in the sugar grains[69] in a narrow stream. Mmm. I could see the golden yellow of each of the twelve eggs, swallowed under the rapid blur of the spinning beaters, and I could almost smell the vanilla and nutmeg filling the house while the cake baked.
As I daydreamed, there was a knock on the door. My roommate opened it to find a deliveryman asking for me. He handed her a large box, which she carefully placed on the desk near my bed. "Open it." I did, and inside was a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. In icing were the words: "Happy Birthday, Sande! Love, Mom." My skin tingled[70] with excitement, as if Mom were right there hugging me close. How had she managed to afford it? I felt as if I were back at home with her, safe and secure while she sang and told me how much she loved having me in her life. I ran out to the hall and knocked on my dormmates' doors. "Birthday cake," I called. As I cut cake for the students gathered in my room, then watched their faces as they ate, I didn't need to eat to feel both full and rich inside.
(By Sande Smith)
The Best Mother
Terri Wilson stomped[71] her foot. She was the only student left in the schoolyard. And it was raining. Finally, her mother's car turned into the parking lot.
"You're late!" Terri said as she got in the car.
"Sorry. I had to take Snowball to the veterinarian[72] for his shots," her mother said. "I almost didn't come. I thought you'd be walking home. Then I remembered you wouldn't wear your raincoat this morning."
Terri scowled[73]. No one in sixth grade wore raincoats!
Their small white dog pawed at her knee. "Snowball! Get down! Bad dog! You're getting hair all over me."
"Terri, he's just glad to see you."
Terri sighed and patted the trembling animal. "Sorry, boy. I didn't mean to yell."
Mrs. Wilson stopped the car in the driveway. Terri helped carry the groceries into the kitchen. Grumbling[74] to herself, she pulled a carton of milk, some cans of apple juice, and a box of oatmeal from a bag. Why couldn't her mother buy chocolate milk and carbonated[75] drinks and sugar-frosted[76] puffs like Mrs. Hanson bought for Laurie?
Her two older brothers trooped into the kitchen. "We're starving. Is there anything to eat?"
Mrs. Wilson pointed to the fruit bowl and the boys grabbed the last two apples. Half a dozen oranges remained in the bowl. Terri clenched[77]her fists. She hated peeling oranges. Wishing she were an only child like Jill MacDonald, she stomped off to her room.
Where was her tape player? She pawed aimlessly through the scattered piles of papers, books, and tapes littering her floor. Her mother refused to clean her bedroom; she said eleven-year-olds should be responsible for their own things. Terri snorted. Susan Brown was twelve, and her mother still picked up for her.
That evening Terri turned her basket of clean clothes upside down. The only pajamas she could find were the red flannel ones. She loved the soft feel of the material, but she hated the bright color. She called down the hall. "Did you do a wash today?"
"Did you wash my blue pajamas?"
"I don't think so. In fact, I don't think I washed anything of yours. Did you put your clothes in the hamper[78]?"
Terri ground her teeth. She hated carrying her dirty clothes to the stupid hamper in the utility room. Why couldn't her mother gather up her laundry? After all, she walked by Terri's room at least fifty times a day. Amanda Cummings' mother always made sure her favorite clothes were clean. Once Amanda wore the same purple capris[79] every day for two weeks. She said her mom washed it every night and had it ready for her to wear the next day.
Terri pulled on the red pajamas and snuggled[80] up to Buster, her teddy bear. Mom will have to sew his poor arm on again, she thought, closing her eyes.
Moments later, she heard a noise. Someone was vacuuming[81]. She opened one eye, then bolted[82] upright. There was Susan Brown's mother, cleaning the bedroom in the middle of the night?
Terri looked around the room, confused. Mrs. Brown had picked up all her clothes and toys and lined her shelves with books and tapes.
"I can't sew this threadbare[83] thing!" yelled Mrs. Brown. She was swinging Buster Bear around her head by one ragged ear. "We'll just have to throw it away!"
"I can't throw out Buster. He's my friend. I've had him since I was six months old."
"Then you've had him long enough. You'll sleep much better without this piece of rubbish. And remember, Snowball stays in his doghouse. If I find one white hair on your bed, it's off to the pound[84] with him." Mrs. Brown sniffed and disappeared in a flash of light.
"Terri, I have a present for you." Amanda Cummings' mother appeared, holding a pair of designer[85] jeans. Terri whooped with delight. She tried to hug Mrs. Cummings, but the woman pushed her away. "Be careful! You'll wrinkle[86] my blouse!"
The pants fit perfectly, but they didn't feel right. "Uh, Mrs. Cummings, they're stiff[87]."
"Well, of course. That's the very latest fashion."
"But I like only soft clothes. Couldn't you do what my mother does and run them through the washing machine a few times before I start to wear them?"
"Certainly not. What's the point of buying the newest styles if you're going to ruin them right away? As soon as you get home, change clothes so you don't ruin those jeans."
Terri nodded miserably[88]. She hated changing clothes after school. Then she heard Jill MacDonald's mother call her to supper. Holding the jeans, Mrs. Cummings vanished.
Terri looked down and found herself at the kitchen table. She saw scalloped[89] potatoes, broccoli with a yucky[90] cheese sauce, and a chicken cutlet on her plate. Mrs. MacDonald asked her what was wrong.
"My brothers and I don't like scalloped potatoes, so my mom doesn't make them. We don't like cheese sauce either, so she just gives us plain broccoli."
Mrs. MacDonald raised an eyebrow. "Well, my husband and I like scalloped potatoes and cheese sauce. I'm not going to change our diet just to accommodate[91] one child. You may leave the table if you don't wish to eat what is being served."
Suddenly, Mrs. Hanson was in the kitchen. For breakfast she put out frosted puffs and soda. They tasted terrific. Terri had two big bowls of the cereal and three tall glasses of the drink. But, later, at gym class, she couldn't finish the relay race. Her legs felt wobbly[92] and her stomach was queasy[93]. She groaned[94].
"Terri, honey! Wake up!"
Terri opened her eyes. Snowball was standing on her chest, licking her face, and Buster Bear was lying on her pillow.
Her mother leaned over the bed. "I heard you call out. Were you having a dream?"
Terri shuddered[95]. "It was more like a nightmare."
"Shall I make you some warm milk?"
Terri shook her head. She reached up and hugged her mother. "Could you just stay with me for a minute?"
Mrs. Wilson smiled and sat down, her arms around her daughter. "This is nice. Lately, I've been thinking you were all grown-up and didn't want hugs anymore."
"Oh, Mom! I'll never be so grown-up that I won't need hugs from you. You're the best mother in the world."
(By Liddell Sharen)
How the Moon Was Kind to Her Mother
Once upon a time, a long, long while ago, the Sun, the Wind, and the Moon were three sisters, and their mother was a pale, lovely Star that shone, far away, in the dark evening sky.
One day their uncle and aunt, who were the Thunder and Lightning, asked the three sisters to have supper with them, and their mother said that they might go. She would wait for them, she said, and would not set until all three returned and told her about their pleasant visit.
So the Sun in her dress of gold, the Wind in a trailing[96] dress that rustled[97] as she passed, and the Moon in a wonderful gown of silver started out for the party with the Thunder and Lightning. Oh, it was a supper to remember! The table was spread with a cloth of rainbow. There were ices like the snow on the mountain tops, and cakes as soft and white as clouds, and fruits from every quarter of the earth. The three sisters ate their fill, especially the Sun and the Wind, who were very greedy, and left not so much as a crumb[98] on their plates. But the Moon was kind and remembered her mother. She hid a part of her supper in her long, white fingers to take home and share with her mother, the Star.
Then the three sisters said good-bye to the Thunder and Lightning and went home. When they reached there, they found their mother, the Star, waiting and shining for them as she had said she would.
"What did you bring me from the supper?" She asked.
The Sun tossed her head[99] with all its yellow hair in disdain[100] as she answered her mother.
"Why should I bring you anything?" She asked. "I went out for my own pleasure and not to think of you."
It was the same with the Wind. She wrapped her flowing robes about her and turned away from her mother.
"I, too, went out for my own entertainment," she said, "and why should I think of you, mother, when you were not with me?"
But it was very different with the Moon who was not greedy and selfish as her two sisters, the Sun and the Wind, were. She turned her pale sweet face toward her mother, the Star, and held out her slender[101] hands.
"See, mother," cried the Moon, "I have brought you part of everything that was on my plate. I ate only half of the feast for I wanted to share it with you."
So the mother brought a gold plate and the food that her unselfish daughter, the Moon, had brought her heaped the plate high. She ate it, and then she turned to her three children, for she had something important to say to them. She spoke first to the Sun.
"You were thoughtless and selfish, my daughter," she said. "You went out and enjoyed yourself with no thought of one who was left alone at home. Hereafter you shall be no longer beloved among men. Your rays shall be so hot and burning that they shall scorch[102] everything they touch. Men shall cover their heads when you appear, and they shall run away from you."
And that is why, to this day, the Sun is hot and blazing[103].
Next the mother spoke to the Wind.
"You, too, my daughter, have been unkind and greedy," she said. "You, also, enjoyed yourself with no thought of anyone else. You shall blow in the parching[104] heat of your sister, the Sun, and wither and blast all that you touch. No one shall love you any longer, but all men will dislike and avoid you."
And that is why, to this day, the Wind, blowing in hot weather, is so unpleasant.
But, last, the mother spoke to her kind daughter, the Moon.
"You remembered your mother, and were unselfish," she said. "To those who are thoughtful of their mother, great blessings come. For all time your light shall be cool, and calm, and beautiful. You shall wane[105], but you shall wax[106] again. You shall make the dark night bright, and all men shall call you blessed."
That is why, to this day, the Moon is so cool, and bright, and beautiful.
(By Carolyn Sherwin Bailey)
The Meanest Mother
I had the meanest mother in the whole world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal[107], eggs or toast[108]. When others had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from the other kids' also. But at least, I wasn't alone in my sufferings. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.
My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. You'd think we were on a chain gang[109]. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. She insisted if we said we'd be gone an hour, that we be gone one hour or less—not one hour and one minute.
We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath . The other kids always wore their clothes for days. We reached the height of insults[110] because she made our clothes herself, just to save money.
The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning. We couldn't sleep till noon like our friends. So while they slept—my mother actually had the nerve[111] to break the Child Labor Law. She made us work. We had to wash dishes, make beds, learn to cook, all sorts of cruel things. I believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.
Through the years, things didn't improve a bit. We could not lie in bed, "sick" like our friends did, and miss school. Our marks in school had to be up to par[112]. Our friends' report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. My mother, being as different as she was, would settle for[113] nothing less than[114] ugly black marks.
As the years rolled by, first one and then the other of us was put to shame. We were graduated from high school. With our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a drop-out.
My mother was a complete failure as a mother. Out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education. None of us have ever been arrested or divorced. Each of my brothers served his time in the service of this country.
She forced us to grow up into God-fearing, educated, honest adults. Using this as a background, I am now trying to raise my three children. I am filled with pride when my children call me mean. Why? Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the whole world.
(By Bobbie Pingaro)
The Potato Puppy
My four-year-old son, Shane, had been asking for a puppy for over a month, but his daddy kept saying, "No dogs!"
One day I was peeling[115] potatoes for dinner, and Shane was sitting on the floor at my feet asking for the thousands time, "Why won't Daddy let me have a puppy?" "Because they'll bring us trouble. Don't cry. Maybe Daddy will change his mind someday," I encouraged him. "No, he won't, and I won't have a puppy in a million years," Shane cried. I looked at his dirty, tearful face and said, "I know a way to make Daddy change his mind." "Really?" Shane wiped away his tears.
I handed him a potato. "Take this and carry it with you until it turns into a puppy," I whispered[116]. "Keep it with you all the time, and on the third day, tie a string around it and take it around the yard and see what happens!"
Shane took the potato with both hands. "Mama, how do you turn a potato into a puppy?" He turned it over and over in his little hands.
"Shh! It's a secret!" I whispered and sent him on his way. I knew what I must do to keep peace in my home.
Shane carried his potato around everywhere for two days. He slept with it, bathed with it and talked to it.
On the third day I said to my husband, "We really should get a pet for Shane." "What makes you think he needs a pet?" my husband asked. "Well, he's been carrying a potato around with him for days. He calls it Wally and says it is his pet. He sleeps with it on his pillow and right now he has a string tied to it and he's dragging it around the yard," I said. "A potato?" My husband asked and looked out of the window and watched Shane taking his potato for a walk." It will break his heart when the potato goes bad," I said and started getting lunch ready. "Besides, every time I try to peel potatoes for dinner, Shane cries because he says I'm killing Wally's family." My husband asked, "My son has a pet potato? That's crazy!" "Maybe you're right, but explain to me why he is taking that potato around the yard on a string," I said. My husband watched our son for a few more minutes. "I'll bring home a puppy tonight. It's better than a potato."
That night Shane's daddy brought home a puppy. Everyone was happy. My husband thought he'd saved his son from going crazy. Shane had a puppy and believed that his mother had magical powers that could change a potato into a puppy. And I was happy because I got my potato back and cooked it for dinner.
Everything was perfect until one evening when I was cooking dinner, Shane asked, "Mama, do you think I could have a horse for my birthday?" I looked into his sweet little face and said, "Well, first we have to take a watermelon…."
(Author Unknown)