第35章 Conclusion(21)
The Boy's King Arthur.Being Sir Thomas Malory's History of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.Edited for Boys.Crown 8vo, pp.xlviii, 404.Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1880.
The Boy's Mabinogion.Being the Earliest Welsh Tales of King Arthur in the famous Red Book of Hergest.Edited for Boys.Crown 8vo, pp.xxiv, 378.Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1881.
The Boy's Percy.Being Old Ballads of War, Adventure, and Love, from Bishop Thomas Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.
Edited for Boys.Crown 8vo, pp.xxxii, 442.Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1882.
The English Novel and the Principles of its Development.Crown 8vo, pp.293.
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1883.
II.Collected Poetical WorksPoems.Pp.94.J.B.Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1877.
Contained `To Charlotte Cushman' (dedication), `Corn', `The Symphony', `The Psalm of the West', `In Absence', `Acknowledgment', `Betrayal', `Special Pleading', `To Charlotte Cushman', `Rose-morals', `To ---- with a Rose'.
Poems of Sidney Lanier, Edited by his Wife, with a Memorial by William Hayes Ward.New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1884, 252 pp., 12mo.
III.Uncollected Prose PiecesThree Waterfalls: `Scott's Magazine' (Atlanta, Ga.), August, September, 1867.
Address before the Furlow Masonic Female College (Ga.), June 30, 1869:
`Catalogue' of the College for 1869.
Confederate Memorial Address at Macon, Ga., April 26, 1870:
`Macon Daily Telegraph' of April 27, 1870, and reprinted in same for April 27, 1887.
Retrospects and Prospects: `Southern Magazine' (Baltimore) 8.283-290, 446-456, March, April, 1871.
Nature-Metaphors: `Southern Magazine' 10.172-182, February, 1872.
San Antonio de Bexar: `Southern Magazine' 13.83-99, 138-152, July, August, 1873.
Peace: `Southern Magazine' 15.406-410, October, 1874.
Review of Hayne's Poems: `Southern Magazine', 1874.
The Ocklawaha in May: `Lippincott's Magazine' (Philadelphia) 16.403-413, October, 1875.
St.Augustine in April: `Lippincott's Magazine' 16.537-550, November, 1875.
Sketches of India, published anonymously: `Lippincott's Magazine' 17.37-51, 172-183, 283-301, 409-427, January-April, 1876.
Defence of Centennial Cantata: `The Tribune' (New York), 1876.
Musical Festival in Baltimore: `The Sun' (Baltimore), May 28, 29, 30, 1878.
Criticism of Rubinstein's Ocean Symphony: `The Sun' (Baltimore), January 31, 1880.
The Story of a Proverb: `Lippincott's Magazine' 23.109-113, January, 1879.
Letter to Mr.J.F.D.Lanier, a banker of New York, giving an account of the Laniers in Europe and of their coming to America:
privately printed, Baltimore, April 2, 1879, pp.17.
A Fairy Tale for Grown People: `St.Nicholas Magazine', 1879.
The Orchestra of To-day: `Scribner's Monthly' (New York) 19.897-904, April, 1880.
The New South: `Scribner's Monthly' 20.840-851.October, 1880.
Bob: `The Independent' (New York) 34.1-3, August 3, 1882.
Moral Purpose in Art: `The Century Magazine' (New York) 4.131-137, May, 1883.
Two Letters to Bayard Taylor: Taylor (M.H.) and Scudder's `Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor' (Boston, 1884), vol.ii., 677, 693-94.
The Legend of St.Leonor, a Fragment from an Unfinished Lecture on "The Relations of Poetry and Science": `The Independent' 37.1627, December 17, 1885.
The Happy Soul's Address to the Dead Body, from Shakespeare Course of Lectures: `The Independent', 1886.
A Great Man Wanted, Extract from Letter of November 15, 1874, to Judge L.E.Bleckley, of Georgia: `The Acorn' (Towson, Md.), June, 1887;reprinted in `The Critic' (New York) 7.309, June 18, 1887.
From Bacon to Beethoven, published anonymously: `Lippincott's Magazine'
41.643-655, May, 1888.
Chaucer and Shakespeare: `The Independent' 43.1337-1338, 1371-1372, September 10 and 17, 1891.
Chaucer and Shakespeare Compared: `The Independent' 43.1401-1402, September 24, 1891.
What I Know about Flowers, a S.S.address delivered about 1868, but first published in `The Sunday-school Times' (Philadelphia) 33.739, November 21, 1891.
How to Read Chaucer: `The Independent' 43.1748, November 26, 1891.
Blood-red Flower of War, an extract from `Tiger-lilies' (pp.115-121):
`The Sunday News' (Baltimore), November 27, 1892.
Letters to Mr.and Mrs.Gibson Peacock, from January 26, 1875, to June 1, 1880, edited by Wm.R.Thayer: `The Atlantic Monthly' (Boston)74.14-28, 181-193, July, August, 1894.
IV.Uncollected PoemsLaughter in the Senate: `The Round Table' (New York), 1868.
Civil Rights: `The Herald' (Atlanta, Ga.), 1874.
Songs Against Death (five stanzas, the last fragmentary):
`The Century Magazine' 10.377, July, 1886.
One in Two: `Century Magazine' 12.417, July, 1887.
Two in One: `Century Magazine' 12.417, July, 1887.
To "The White Flower" of The English Novel, written in 1878, but printed in 1890 by L.Prang (Boston) on an illustrated Christmas Card.
On the Receipt of a Jar of Marmalade, written for Mrs.C.N.Hawkins in 1877, but printed in her husband's paper, `The New Castle (Va.) Record', April 11, 1891.
The Lord's Romance of Time, an Outline: `Sunday-school Times'
(Philadelphia), 1892.
To Lucie, written on St.Valentine's Day, 1880, published in `From Dixie', Richmond, Va., 1893.
V.Poems in AnthologiesBlackman, O.: see `Lawrence, W.M.'
Hutchinson, Ellen M.: see `Stedman, E.C.'
Lawrence (W.M.) and Blackman (O.): `The Riverside Song Book' (Boston, 1893)has `Baby Charley' (p.91) and `May the Maiden' (p.97), both set to music.
Putnam, S.A.Brock: `The Poetry of America' (New York, 1894)has `Life and Song', `Nirvana', `Ballad of Trees and the Master', and `Sunrise'.
Roberts, C.G.D.: `Poems of Wild Life' (London, 1888)has `The Revenge of Hamish' (pp.57-62).