第150章 'VIVE LE ROI!'(4)
Doubtless she waited for me to speak first;while I on my side was so greatly taken aback by the change wrought in her by the Court dress she was wearing and the air of dignity with which she wore it,that I stood gasping.I turned coward after all that had passed between us.This was not the girl I had wooed in the greenwood by St.Gaultier;nor the pale-faced woman I had lifted to the saddle a score of times in the journey Paris-wards.The sense of unworthiness which I had experienced a few minutes before in the crowded antechamber returned in full force in presence of her grace and beauty,and once more I stood tongue-tied before her,as I had stood in the lodgings at Blois.All the later time,all that had passed between us was forgotten.
She,for her part,looked at me wondering at my silence.Her face,which had grown rosy red at my entrance,turned pale again.
Her eyes grew large with alarm;she began to beat her foot on the floor in a manner I knew.'Is anything the matter,sir?'she muttered at last.
'On the contrary,mademoiselle,'I answered hoarsely,looking every way,and grasping at the first thing I could think of,'Iam just from M.de Rosny.'
'And he?'
'He has made me Lieutenant-Governor of the Armagnac.'
She curtseyed to me in a wonderful fashion.'It pleases me to congratulate you,sir,'she said,in a voice between laughing and crying.'It is not more than equal to your deserts.'
I tried to thank her becomingly,feeling at the same time more foolish than I had ever felt in my life;for I knew that this was neither what I had come to tell nor she to hear.Yet I could not muster up courage nor find words to go farther,and stood by the table in a state of miserable discomposure.
'Is that all,sir?'she said at last,losing patience.
Certainly it was now or never,and I knew it.I made the effort.
'No,mademoiselle,'I said in a low voice.'Far from it.But Ido not see here the lady to whom I came to address myself,and whom I have seen a hundred times in far other garb than yours,wet and weary and dishevelled,in danger and in flight.Her Ihave served and loved;and for her I have lived.I have had no thought for months that has not been hers,nor care save for her.
I and all that I have by the king's bounty are hers,and I came to lay them at her feet.But I do not see her here.'
'No,sir?'she answered in a whisper,with her face averted.
With a sudden brightness and quickness which set my heart beating she turned,and looked at me.'Indeed!'she said.'I am sorry for that.It is a pity your love should be given elsewhere,M.
de Marsac--since it is the king's will that you should marry me.'
'Ah,mademoiselle!'I cried,kneeling before her--for she had come round the table and stood beside me--'But you?'
'It is my will too,sir,'she answered,smiling through her tears.
On the following day Mademoiselle de la Vire became my wife;the king's retreat from Paris,which was rendered necessary by the desertion of many who were ill-affected to the Huguenots,compelling the instant performance of the marriage,if we would have it read by M.d'Amours.This haste notwithstanding,I was enabled by the kindness of M.d'Agen to make such an appearance,in respect both of servants and equipment,as became rather my future prospects than my past distresses.It is true that His Majesty,out of a desire to do nothing which might offend Turenne,did not honour us with his presence;but Madame Catherine attended on his behalf,and herself gave me my bride.
M.de Sully and M.Crillon,with the Marquis de Rambouillet and his nephew,and my distant connection,the Duke de Rohan,who first acknowledged me on that day,were among those who earned my gratitude by attending me upon the occasion.
The marriage of M.Francois d'Agen with the widow of my old rival and opponent did not take place until something more than a year later,a delay which was less displeasing to me than to the bridegroom,inasmuch as it left madame at liberty to bear my wife company during my absence on the campaign of Arques and Ivry.In the latter battle,which added vastly to the renown of M.de Rosny,who captured the enemy's standard with his own hand,I had the misfortune to be wounded in the second of the two charges led by the king;and being attacked by two foot soldiers,as I lay entangled I must inevitably have perished but for the aid afforded me by Simon Fleix,who flew to the rescue with the courage of a veteran.His action was observed by the king,who begged him from me,and attaching him to his own person in the capacity of clerk,started him so fairly on the road to fortune that he has since risen beyond hope or expectation.
The means by which Henry won for a time the support of Turenne (and incidentally procured his consent to my marriage)are now too notorious to require explanation.Nevertheless,it was not until the Vicomte's union a year later with Mademoiselle de la Marck,who brought him the Duchy of Bouillon,that I thoroughly understood the matter;or the kindness peculiar to the king,my master,which impelled that great monarch,in the arrangement of affairs so vast,to remember the interests of the least of his servants.