"Raven," gasped Cameron, fighting for his breath and coming forward with hand outstretched, "you have--done--a great thing--to-day--for me.I shall not--forget it.""Tut tut, Cameron, simple thing.I fancy you are still a few points ahead," said Raven, taking his hand in a strong grip.
"After all, it was Night Hawk did it."
"You saved--my sister's life," continued Cameron, still struggling for breath.
"Perhaps, perhaps, but I don't forget," and here Raven leaned over his saddle and spoke in a lower voice, "I don't forget the day you saved mine, my boy.""Come," said Cameron, "let me present you to my sister."Instantly Raven swung himself from his horse.
"Stand, Night Hawk!" he commanded, and the horse stood like a soldier on guard.
"Moira," said Cameron, still panting hard, "this is--my friend--Mr.
Raven stood bowing before her with his hat in his hand, but the girl leaned far down from her seat with both hands outstretched.
"I thank you, Mr.Raven," she said in a quiet voice, but her brown eyes were shining like stars in her white face."You are a wonderful rider.""I could not have done it, Miss Cameron," said Raven, a wonderfully sweet smile lighting up his hard face, "I could not have done it had you ever lost your nerve.""I had no fear after I saw your face," said the girl simply."Iknew you could do it."
"Ah, and how did you know that?" His gray-brown eyes searched her face more keenly.
"I cannot tell.I just knew."
"Let me introduce my friend, Dr.Martin," said Cameron as the doctor came up.
"I--too--want to thank you--Mr.Raven," said the doctor, seizing him with both hands."I never can--we never can forget it--or repay you.""Oh," said Raven, with a careless laugh, "what else could I do?
After all it was Night Hawk did the trick." He lifted his hat again to Moira, bowed with a beautiful grace, threw himself on his horse and stood till the two men, after carefully examining the harness and securing the reins, had climbed to their places on the wagon seat.
Then he trotted on before toward the Stopping Place, where the minister's wife and indeed the whole company of villagers awaited them.
"Oh, isn't he wonderful!" cried Moira, with her eyes upon the rider in front of them."And he did it so easily." But the men sat silent."Who is he, Allan? You know him.""Yes--he is--he is a chap I met when I was on the Force.""A Policeman?"
"No, no," replied her brother hastily.
"What then? Does he live here?"
"He lives somewhere south.Don't know exactly where he lives.""What is he? A rancher?"
"A rancher? Ah--yes, yes, he is a rancher I fancy.Don't know very well.That is--I have seen little of him--in fact--only a couple of times--or so.""He seems to know you, Allan," said his sister a little reproachfully."Anyway," she continued with a deep breath, "he is just splendid." Dr.Martin glanced at her face glowing with enthusiasm and was shamefully conscious of a jealous pang at his heart."He is just splendid," continued Moira, with growing enthusiasm, "and I mean to know more of him.""What?" said her brother sharply, as if waking from a dream.
"Nonsense, Moira! You do not know what you are talking about.
You must not speak like that."
"And why, pray?" asked his sister in surprise.
"Oh, never mind just now, Moira.In this country we don't take up with strangers.""Strangers?" echoed the girl, pain mingling with her surprise.
"And yet he saved my life!"
"Yes, thank God, he saved your life," cried her brother, "and we shall never cease to be grateful to him, but--but--oh, drop it just now please, Moira.You don't know and--here we are.How white Mandy is.What a terrible experience for us all!""Terrible indeed," echoed the doctor.
"Terrible?" said Moira."It might have been worse."To this neither made reply, but there came a day when both doubted such a possibility.