When Heideck and his prisoner, Penurot, reached the Gefion he found the Commander on deck, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour.
He reported himself, and asked him to treat Penurot as a guest.
"I was getting anxious about you," said the Captain, "and was on the point of sending the steam pinnace after you.Have you found out anything important?""I believe I have.The two rascals whom I caught there don't seem to belong to the ordinary class of spies.They are the skipper Brandelaar and the man I have brought with me.""Didn't you arrest the skipper as well?"
"I intend to use them in our interest, and hope that Admiral Hollway will find himself caught in his own net.""Isn't that rather a risky game? If the fellows have betrayed Admiral Hollway, you may rely upon it they will do the same by us.""I trust to their fears and selfishness more than their honour.To take information about us to the English they must return here again, and so I hold them in my hand.""But the converse is true.I confess I have very little faith in such double-dealing spies.""Of course, I feel the same; but I believe I have at last found the way to the headquarters of the English system of espionage.In order to get to the bottom of the matter I cannot do without the aid of the two spies.""The headquarters?"
"Yes.The underlings who risk their lives are always of subordinate importance.It is, above all, necessary to find out the persons of higher rank who prudently contrive to keep themselves in the background.""I wish you success."
"Before going to Antwerp, whither M.Penurot is to accompany me to-morrow, I should like to make a report to the Imperial Chancellor.
May I ask you to let me have a boat to-morrow morning to go to Flushing?""Certainly.You can have any boat you like.""Then I should like the steam pinnace."
"Perhaps you know whether the Chancellor intends to stay long at Flushing?""I cannot say.In many ways Antwerp would certainly be a better place; but he has gone to Flushing to make a demonstration.""To make a demonstration?" repeated the Commander in a tone of astonishment.
"The English, of course, know that he is there, and his presence at Flushing is bound to strengthen their belief that our main base of operations will be the mouth of the Schelde.""Is it not surprising that our Chancellor is always at the centre of operations, though he is neither a general nor an admiral?""We have seen the same before in the case of Bismarck.If we follow the history of the wars of 1864, 1866, and 1870-71 we get the impression that Bismarck was in like manner the soul of all the operations, although his military title was only an honorary one.""That is true; but the circumstances are essentially different.
Bismarck was a trained official, diplomatist, ambassador, before he became Chancellor.His authority was great in military matters, independently of the generals; but our new Chancellor comes from quite a different sphere.""But he has the power of a strong personality, and it is that which turns the scale in all great matters.The fine instinct of the people feels that the Emperor has chosen rightly, and the Chancellor's general popularity insures him powerful support even against the generals.Besides, everyone must admire his practical understanding and his wide range of vision.Is not the occupation of Antwerp a fresh proof of it? The rest of Belgium is occupied by the French army, but the Chancellor has arranged with the French Government for us to hold Antwerp, since our fleet is in the Schelde.And I am sure we shall never give it up again.
The Commander shook his head doubtfully.
"You really think we shall be able to keep Antwerp without further trouble?""We must, and shall, have Antwerp.Belgium and the Netherlands may continue to exist, for we cannot with any justification annex them.
But the Netherlands and Antwerp will enter into closer political relations with the German Empire for the sake of their own interests.Their Governments are too weak to put down revolutionary movements in their countries for any length of time.
We are moving irresistibly towards the formation of larger states.