It is not difficult to find out that the changes in the P.E. institution of ordinary institutes of higher education are vital factor when we look back 50 years development course. That is to say that the history of P.E. reform in ordinary institutes of higher education is P. E. institution changes history. Therefore,the research on the changes in the P.E.institution of China's ordinary institutes of Higher education of modern times has very important theoretical and very strong realistic significance.
The methods of literature,investigation,research on the spot and data statistics are used to analyze the changes in the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education in the past 50 years. Generalize the characteristics of P.E. institution in different stages after the new China built. Discover the political,economic,educational and P. E background of institution changes. Look for the obstruction element of impact on the system changes. Analyze profoundly the present condition and reform orientation of the P.E. institution.
Based on the characteristics of the changes in the formal institution of the physical education of China's ordinary institutes of higher education,this research divides the changes in the physical education system of China's higher education since the founding of new China in five phases. Each phase displays the following characteristics:
Fermentation phase(1949—1956),mainly imitates the former USSR's system.
Establishment phase(1957—1965),the character is that the system was established aiming at strengthening the national defense and building up people's health.
Destroying and disorder phase(1966—1976),the character is that the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education were badly destroyed and in chaos.
Resuming and partly reforming phase(1977—1992),infiltrating the philosophy of“Health First”,this phase mainly aimed at building up the students' bodies and fostering students' frequent training habit.
Fast development phase(from 1993 on),with the establishment of“Health First”philosophy and the deepening of curriculum reform of the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education,the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education have been becoming more and more scientific and standardizing.
Basing on the theory of the new institutional economics and institutional pedagogy,this research try to put forward the many factors that have had influence on the changes in the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education. These are the interest conflicts in the changes of the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education,the informal institution' restriction of the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education,the organizational barriers existing the changes in the physical education institution of China's ordinary institutes of higher education;the cognitive extent to the physical education system reform in China's ordinary institutes of higher education and the methods choice in the changing course of China's ordinary institutes of higher education.
Key words:ordinary institutes of higher education;physical education institution;changes